NeXTSTEP 3.1 (Developer) [x86]
NeXT Step 3.1 Intel dev.cdr.dmg
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161 lines
// TileScrollView.m
// By Jayson Adams, NeXT Developer Support Team
// Modified for 3.0 by Ali Ozer, May '92
// You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
// NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to its
// fitness for any particular use.
#import <appkit/ClipView.h>
#import <appkit/Matrix.h>
#import "RulerView.h"
#import "PostScriptView.h"
#import "TileScrollView.h"
@implementation TileScrollView
/* instance methods */
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)theFrame
NXRect rulerViewRect = {{0.0, 0.0}, {NX_WIDTH(theFrame), 20.0}};
[super initFrame:theFrame];
/* create a rulerView */
rulerView = [[RulerView alloc] initFrame:&rulerViewRect];
/* make a clipView to hold it (we'll adjust its size & position in tile) */
rulerClipView = [[ClipView alloc] initFrame:&rulerViewRect];
[self addSubview:rulerClipView];
[rulerClipView setDocView:rulerView];
/* remember the current scale factor */
oldScaleFactor = 1.0;
return self;
- free
[rulerView free];
[rulerClipView free];
return [super free];
- changeScale:sender
float scaleFactor = [[sender selectedCell] tag] / 100.0;
if (scaleFactor != oldScaleFactor) {
[window disableDisplay];
[[self docView] scale:scaleFactor / oldScaleFactor];
[rulerView scale:scaleFactor / oldScaleFactor :1.0];
[self fixUpRuler];
[window reenableDisplay];
[self display];
oldScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
return self;
- (void)fixUpRuler
NXRect docViewBounds, rulerViewBounds;
[window disableDisplay];
[[self docView] getBounds:&docViewBounds];
[rulerView getBounds:&rulerViewBounds];
[rulerView sizeTo:NX_WIDTH(&docViewBounds) :NX_HEIGHT(&rulerViewBounds)];
[self tile];
[window reenableDisplay];
[self display];
- setDocView:aView
id retVal = [super setDocView:aView];
[self fixUpRuler];
return retVal;
- tile
* tile gets called whenever the scrollView changes size. Its job is to resize
* all of the scrollView's "tiled" views (scrollers, contentView and any other
* views we might want to place in the scrollView's bounds).
NXRect contentViewRect, rulerRect, rulerClipRect, scrollerRect,
buttonRect, stubRect;
/* resize and arrange the scrollers and contentView as usual */
[super tile];
/* make sure the popup list and stub view are subviews of us */
if ([popupListButton superview] != self) {
[self addSubview:popupListButton];
if ([stubView superview] != self) {
[self addSubview:stubView];
/* cut a slice from the contentView to make room for the rulerView */
[contentView getFrame:&contentViewRect];
[rulerView getFrame:&rulerRect];
NXDivideRect(&contentViewRect, &rulerClipRect, NX_HEIGHT(&rulerRect), 1);
[rulerClipView setFrame:&rulerClipRect];
[contentView setFrame:&contentViewRect];
/* shrink the vScroller to make room for the stub view */
[vScroller getFrame:&scrollerRect];
NXDivideRect(&scrollerRect, &stubRect, NX_HEIGHT(&rulerRect), 1);
[vScroller setFrame:&scrollerRect];
[stubView setFrame:&stubRect];
/* now make the hScroller smaller and stick the popupList next to it */
[hScroller getFrame:&scrollerRect];
NXDivideRect(&scrollerRect, &buttonRect, 60.0, 2);
[hScroller setFrame:&scrollerRect];
NXInsetRect(&buttonRect, 1.0, 1.0);
[popupListButton setFrame:&buttonRect];
return self;
- scrollClip:aClipView to:(NXPoint *)aPoint
NXPoint colOrigin;
NXRect colBounds;
/* don't do anything if it's not the contentView */
if (aClipView != contentView) {
return self;
/* turn off drawing (to the screen) */
[window disableFlushWindow];
/* scroll the contentView to the new origin */
[aClipView rawScroll:aPoint];
/* compute new origin for the rulerView (don't let it scroll vertically) */
[rulerClipView getBounds:&colBounds];
colOrigin.x = aPoint->x;
colOrigin.y = colBounds.origin.y;
/* scroll the ruler view to that point */
[rulerClipView rawScroll:&colOrigin];
/* send results to screen */
[[window reenableFlushWindow] flushWindow];
return self;